Thursday, October 27, 2011
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Monday, October 24, 2011
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Drum Roll Please....
Alysia please email me so that I can put you in contact with Shelley and you can receive your AWESOME goodies!
Thank you all for participating in this giveaway...for those of you who did not win...don't forget Shelley is having a sale on her Mental Math Strategy Collection. You can visit her TpT store by clicking here.
Don't forget to also visit Shelley's fabulous blog Teaching in the Early Years...you'll find sooo many resources and freebies...you'll be glad you stopped by.
Thank you Shelley for sponsoring this giveaway...it was SO. MUCH. FUN!!
Oh...and maybe you can send us Texans some of your cold Canadian weather...it was 86 degrees here in my neck of the woods...and it's almost November! Uggghh! Oh well...maybe it'll get cold sometime soon...hopefully before Christmas.
Have a happy Sunday everyone!!
Don't forget to also visit Shelley's fabulous blog Teaching in the Early Years...you'll find sooo many resources and freebies...you'll be glad you stopped by.
Thank you Shelley for sponsoring this giveaway...it was SO. MUCH. FUN!!
Oh...and maybe you can send us Texans some of your cold Canadian weather...it was 86 degrees here in my neck of the woods...and it's almost November! Uggghh! Oh well...maybe it'll get cold sometime soon...hopefully before Christmas.
Have a happy Sunday everyone!!
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Happy Saturday!
Hey ya'll Happy Saturday!
I hope everyone is having a FABULOUS weekend!
Yesterday marked the end of the 1st 9 weeks of school and thus the end of the 1st quarter...it went by in a flash I tell 'ya! I know that the 2nd quarter will go by even faster with all the activities going on in 1st grade..pheeeew! I'm out of breath just thinking about it!
So this weekend will be a busy one...catching up on grades and report cards, and getting lesson plans ready for the next two weeks. But I can't do all that work without having a little fun with my family first! ;)
Don't forget to enter Shelley's great giveaway it ends tonight...you may do so by clicking here.
The winner will be announced tomorrow morning.
Good luck!
P.S. My 'lil ole blog was nominated as a Top 25 Teacher Mom Blog...I'd really appreciate it if you voted for me...pretty please, with a cherry on top? Thank you!
Click here to vote.
Friday, October 21, 2011
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Giveaway! (and a Freebie!)
Hey ya'll don't you love the weather now..crisp and clean in the early morning...and in the low 80s by the afternoon? It's finally cooled down a bit here in southern Texas...and boy, oh boy...did we need cooler temps! Soooo glad I can finally wear my long sleeve blouses in the morning now! It was actually 48 degrees this morning and it felt A.MA.ZING! Can't wait for more days like these...I'm definitely keeping my fingers crossed!
So...in celebration of cooler temps here in toasty Texas...my sweet Canadian friend Shelley Gray has offered to do a giveaway on my little 'ole blog...don't 'ya love that?! I certainly do!
Shelley Gray authors the blog Teaching in the Early Years and oh. my. word...it is FABULOUS! If you haven't been there you need to get over there ASAP! She offers so many resources, teaching tips and even has some great videos to explain her mental math strategies and how she organizes her learning centers. Like I said, FAB.U.LOUS!
So...in celebration of cooler temps here in toasty Texas...my sweet Canadian friend Shelley Gray has offered to do a giveaway on my little 'ole blog...don't 'ya love that?! I certainly do!
Shelley Gray authors the blog Teaching in the Early Years and oh. my. word...it is FABULOUS! If you haven't been there you need to get over there ASAP! She offers so many resources, teaching tips and even has some great videos to explain her mental math strategies and how she organizes her learning centers. Like I said, FAB.U.LOUS!
Shelley has been so generous in offering to giveaway all six addition units from her Mental Math Strategy Collection. The set includes the following units: "Counting On", "Doubles", Doubles Plus One", "Making Ten", "Making Multiples of Ten", and "Front End Addition".
Doesn't that sound AWESOME?!?
Shelley is an awesome teacher and mommy...and her TpT resources are fantastic!
Each unit in her Mental Math Strategy Collection consists of everything that is needed to teach the strategy in full, including independent seatwork or partner activities, centers, and whole-class kinesthetic learning activities. All of this wrapped up in 6 addition units...couldn't have asked for more!
And as if that's not enough...Shelley has made a sampler pack of these units just for you! Anyone who enters this giveaway is a winner!! Woohoo! Thank you, Shelley!
Okay...so I know you want to enter this amazing giveaway...here's how to do it...
1. Follow Shelley's blog Teaching in the Early Years
2. Follow Shelley's TpT Store
3. "Like" Shelley's FB page
Leave a seperate comment for each entry...for 3 chances to win.
(As always you must be a Teaching in High Heels follower to win)
This giveaway will end on Saturday, October 22, at midnight.
The winner will be announced on Sunday, October 23.
Good luck everyone!
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Monday, October 17, 2011
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