Wednesday, August 31, 2011

High Heels at office

My newest pair of high heels - brown full-grain leather 5 inch heels. They have a nearly one inch platform - which actually makes them to just 4 and bit inch high heels ;) - but i love them! And looking at them from behind just makes awsome long legs. They are so comfortable - i was wearing them for more than 8 hours now - and still my feet feel good. I bought them for my new dress (maybe you'll see some photos of it too) - the dress with these pumps looks really very hot.
Well, maybe I shouldn't have been wearing them at my first day at office (working now for one month during my holidays) - I really was an eyecatcher, as I was the only one wearing really high heels!!!!! But it was a successful first day ;) - and it looks like (at least the male colleagues) want me to come to office in 5 inch heels every day.
High heeled greetings and office kisses
- Vivian

What I'm Loving Wednesday!

Happy Wednesday, y'all!
Here is what I'm loving on this gorgeous day...
I'm loving that I will be having a 3 day weekend soon...wooohooo for Labor Day!

I'm loving that September is here...and I'm hoping with all my heart that we will get some relief from this heat soon! You Texans out there know what I'm talking about, right?!

I'm loving the sweet hugs I get from my little one when I get home. Sweet, sweet girl!

I'm loving these great Pinterest finds...

So...what are you loving today?
Don't forget to link up with Jamie for WILW!

Toodles...and enjoy your evening!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Classroom Pics...Finally!

Hey y'all! I know I have been a little MIA lately...but it has all been due to the 1st week of know how that goes! Anywho...the 1st week is behind us now...and it was a great one at my new batch of kiddos! They are sweet and polite, and oh so cute! Hope it continues throughout the year!
So...remember when I said I would only have 15 kids...yeah, well it didn't turn out that way during registration...not quite. Our school is experiencing growing pains..and I now have 23 students...I'm actually the one with the smallest class, the other 2 first grade teachers are both at 25 students! Yikes! Hopefully we will get a new teacher soon...this way I'll go back to my original keep your fingers crossed please!
Due to having this many kiddos...I had to make some small changes in my it is for your enjoyment!
Library area...the bulletin board will be my Spanish Word Wall.
Love my little tree...and the Good Readers sign from Christie.
Word Work area...and my little owl painting my lovely daughter made for me.
Another owl painting.
The chunk wall is located in the Word Work area.
Computer area.
Poetry and Fluency area.

Student cubbies, Social Studies, Math, and Science WW, and classroom rules.
Word Center pocket chart...easel. and whole group area. Love my new brown rug! 
Calendar on white board.
Pocket charts for guided reading groups and class schedule. Yea...I need labels.
Love the Dr. Seuss quote...and my little Diet Coke sign...found somewhere on blogland. 
If it's yours please let me know so that I can give you credit.
Listening center and my little fabric banner inspired by Abby over at The Inspired here for her no-sew tutorial.
Writing center and Focus Wall. 
Baskets where students will turn in their work.
Crayon wreath...found on Pinterest.
My bulletin board outside classroom.
1st grade bulletin board in main hallway. 
Pheeewww...that was a bunch of pictures! 
I'll be linking up at 

Happy Sunday...toodles!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Teacher Talk Tuesday

Happy Tuesday!
It's time to link up to Teacher Talk Tuesday on Blog Hoppin'. Here are my tidbits of insight for new teachers:

1. Find an organization system that works for you. It may be as simple or as sophisticated as you want it to be, as long as it makes life easier for you...if it doesn't make your life easier...then you probably won't use it.

2. Procedures, procedures, procedures! It is soooo important to take the time to establish your procedures and expectations at the beginning of the school year...yes, it takes time...yes, it may be dull...but believe me it will ALL be worth it in the end! I'm not guaranteeing smooth sailing all year long...but your "bad" days will definitely be less...if you have good procedures in place!

3. Document everything...I can't emphasize this enough...documentation will come in very handy at all those meetings we can't seem to get away from...

4. Praise, praise, praise!!! And LOVE your babies! Sometimes your compliment will be the only one they get all day long!

5. Take time for teachers, we always have work to do, there is always that never ending list, always something to grade, or games to make, etc. etc. Please don't forget about yourself...yes your students need you...but how are they going to get the best of you...if you don't take care of yourself? Just something to think about.

Okay...that's it peeps...just some tidbits I wanted to share with y'all. If you want to read the great advice from some awesome teachers head over to Blog Hoppin'.


Monday, August 22, 2011

Meet the Teacher

Hey y'all! Today I'm participating over at Blog Hoppin' for Meet the Teacher Monday.
Tell us a little something about you....
My name is Gladys, I am a 1st grade teacher, mother of four married to the most wonderful life may be a little crazy sometimes, but nonetheless I absolutely LOVE it! 

How long have you been teaching?
This is my 6th year teaching in my current school district...I taught Kinder for 3 years before graduating to 1st, and I have to say that 1st is my absolute favorite! Yes, kinder kids are little and cute...but I love, love, those little firsties! These kiddos are genuinely interested in learning, they are inquisitive, fun, and fabulous! I am always floored by the progress they make in 1st grade...I'm telling 'ya it's absolutely amazing!

You might not know...
I love to dance! As a child I took ballet and in my teens I was on my high school dance team...I LOVE to dance...not only is it's also a great way to get your exercise on and stay in shape. I honestly wish I had more time to take a dance class or even fun would that be?!

What are you looking most forward to this school year?
I am really looking forward to building a strong community of learners. I want my new firsties to love reading as much as I do...I want them to be life long readers and learners, and to enjoy being a student in my classroom. 

What do you need to improve? 
I have a lot of things that I would like to improve...but this year my main focus is math. I tend to be more literacy inclined...I love, love, love reading and writing and could teach those two subjects ALL DAY LONG! For me, loving math has always been a bit of a struggle...but I am really going to try harder this year. I really am. Promise!

What teaching supplies can you *not* live without?
I couldn't live without my Scotch laminator, Flair pens, and Mr. Sketch markers. My little heart also does cartwheels at the sight of cute notebooks, binders and sticky notes. Oh and I have to say that this little list would not be complete if I did not mention my crazy addiction for books...I totally *puffy* heart my books...they are definitely something I could not live without!
So that's it for me my's now your turn to go link up at Blog Hoppin' for Meet the Teacher Monday. Have fun!


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday!

Happy Wednesday, y'all!
These are a few things that I'm loving today:
I'm loving that professional development days are almost over...and that soon I will meet my Firsties.
I'm loving looking at old pictures and remembering good those kiddos... but they are growing up way too fast! {Sniff, sniff!}
I'm loving this sweet little baby...I will definitely be missing the lazy days of summer.

I'm loving these awesome pens...they are definitely my favorite!

I'm loving my Scotch Thermal Laminator...especially right now, when I'm laminating a gazillion things for my classroom.

I'm loving this chalkboard frame...adorable!

And last but not least I'm loving this Very Hungry is I bet it would look fantastic in a classroom!

So...what are you loving today?

Don't forget to link up with Jamie for WILW.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Happy New Year!

Hi y'all!
OMG...It's been a tough first couple of days at work...with going to bed at around 1:00 "ish" and then having to wake up at 6:00a.m....enduring all day PD seems I'm even more tired than when the actual kiddies are in class! Pheewww...EXHAUSTING I tell 'ya! I honestly can't wait to get started on the new year with my new's going to be FAN.TAS.TIC! enough about me...I'm just here to tell you that I hope you all have a fantastic, wonderful, awesome, fabulous, supercalifragilisticexpialidocious..first day of school!!!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday

Hey y'all!
I hope everyone is having a Happy Wednesday!
Today I'm linking up with Jamie over at This Kind of Love for What I'm Loving Wednesday.
Here's what I'm loving today...

I'm loving that my classroom is almost ready...and I won't be going back until Monday. 
(Pictures to come very soon...I pinky promise!)

I'm loving that this year I will be teaching a transitional bilingual classroom and that I only have 15 students. (Love small classes!)

I'm loving these Pinterest finds...and can't wait to create them. 

I'm loving these uber creative bulletin boards.

And last but certainly not least I'm loving these fabulous B2S outfits...comfy and cute...doesn't get better than that! ;)

So that's it friends...this was my first WILW...and I LOVED it! So. Much. Fun! 
If you're interested go and link up with Jamie...I'm sure you too will {puffy heart} it!
What are you loving today?