You are a fan of high heels? If so, now is the time you are smiling, happy, high heels article that claimed a bad influence on the health of this body was also able to improve your pelvic floor muscles and can certainly boost your sexual desire.
Not secret anymore if the medical world was never in favor of high heels, because the bad effects behind it, ranging from calluses (hammertoes) until the symptoms of schizophrenia. It all looks very scary for fans of high heels, which incidentally has become a passion of fashion and lifestyle of women.
But fear impact of high heel slightly reduced with the study by Dr. Maria Cerruto, Urology experts from Italy that gives optimism to the user's high heel.
In a study conducted in 66 women aged 50 years and under the user with the right shoe makes an angle of 15 degrees to the ground, or equivalent to the right as high as 2 inches (5cm), turned out to have a posture that is as good as those using low-soled shoes, and show at least the electrical activity in the pelvic floor muscles.
This posture makes the muscles of the pelvic floor are at the optimum position, which can improve the strength and ability during contraction.
Pelvic floor muscles are an important component of the female body, and also can improve the performance and satisfaction during lovemaking. These muscles also support the performance of pelvic organs, including bladder, stomach muscles, and content.
Unfortunately, the elasticity of the pelvic floor muscles become slack and weak after giving birth, and current age. And certainly need regular exercise to re-strengthen the pelvic floor muscles.
"Women often find it difficult to exercise properly in the area around the pelvic muscles, and the use of high heels could be a solution to this problem," explains Dr. Cerruto who claims to be a fan of high heel, as reported by the BBC. Meanwhile, Gill Brook, physiotherapist from Bradford, stressed the invention is not referring to the stiletto shoes (high heels and pointy with a height of more than 5 cm) which has not been shown to improve pelvic muscle function.
"However, for women high heel fans, this is the discovery that behind the soothing medical bad reality that never in favor of high heel, despite the support of hip muscle strength, you still have to train the most important parts of her body.
Monday, September 26, 2011
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Learning is Fun!
It's been a very busy past couple of cute firsties have been learning sooo much and having so much fun! Here are a few random pictures of our learning....
First...we celebrated Mexico's Independence Day on the 16 de septiembre...
my kiddos were so proud to learn more about their heritage.
We created a circle map as a class...then they created their individual circle map. So cute!
We also learned about our Constitution, we watched the School House Rock~Preamble fun!
We read this book...
Then my Firsties came up with their our own Class Constitution...with a little guidance from the teacher of course! They were thrilled about having to sign it and make it official.
We also learned about 9/11 and made some little show our patriotism.
In science, my Firsties have been busy learning about plants and insects. reading my Firsties have been learning about the sequence of events...we created this little anchor chart to remind us about our learning.
Pheeewww! There has been a lot of learning going on!
Well...that's it for today...
Happy fall ya'll!
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Inside My School Bag
As I was browsing my Google Reader today...I came across Abby's What's Inside Your School Bag? Linky Party...I've been looking at everyone's bags...and they are oh so those 31 bags...too bad I don't know anyone who sells those around here...but maybe that's a good thing? Ha! here is what's inside my bag....
I've had my bag for a couple of years...I love that it zips up all the way around so that nothing falls out...even when it occasionally tips over...due to it being overstuffed. Does that ever happen to anyone? Uggghhh...hate it when that happens!
Here is my teacher planner from Lakeshore, this is really for me because we use a program called Eduphoria Forethought to turn in lesson plans to our principal.
I love my writing portfolio from Doodle Bugs Paper, Kacey does a great job with all her products..they are adorable! I also have a personal planner that I carry in my bag...although it's my personal stuff tends to sneak in there too...would love to get an Erin Condren life planner, but I just can't justify spending $50 on it...not at the moment....oh well.
I love my writing portfolio from Doodle Bugs Paper, Kacey does a great job with all her products..they are adorable! I also have a personal planner that I carry in my bag...although it's my personal stuff tends to sneak in there too...would love to get an Erin Condren life planner, but I just can't justify spending $50 on it...not at the moment....oh well.
My teacher binder, a couple of folders with various things, mostly printables and some RTI stuff. My colorful pencil bag with Flair Pens, sharpies, pencils, scissors, Post-Its and other random gum.
A couple of printables inside one of the folders...a math game the lovely Cara from The First Grade Parade created, a making words activity Ana from Ingles 360 came up with...And last but not least Kristen from Ladybug's Teacher Files Word Detectives printable.
Thanks ladies...these are way cute!
What would I do without my bloggie friends?!
What would I do without my bloggie friends?!
Some books that I want to revisit...but with life being so ridiculously busy...I just haven't had a they've been living in my bag...for a few weeks now. Maybe sometime will slow down a bit...hopefully!
Some random stuff I found in one of the pockets inside my elf lip gloss, more Post-Its, some letter stickers from Creative Teaching their stuff! Especially their Dots on Chocolate and Dots on Turquoise's uber cute! Some googly eyes, calendar numbers for a math game, cupcakes from Dollar Tree, and my Spanish High Frequency Word list from Senderos.
This was so much fun!
I loved peeking into your teacher bags!
Thanks Abby, for hosting this party!
This was so much fun!
I loved peeking into your teacher bags!
Thanks Abby, for hosting this party!
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
What I'm Loving Wednesday
Hey ya'll...Happy Wednesday!
Today I'm linking up with Jamie for WILW.
This is what I'm loving on this beautiful Wednesday....
I'm loving that it's almost the weekend....woohoo!
I'm loving that it's almost the weekend....woohoo!
I'm loving this time of year...if only it looked like this around here...{sigh!}
I'm loving these books right now...
I'm loving that this movie will be at the theater soon...and like a giddy teenager I cannot wait!
And last but certainly not least I'm loving these great Pinterest finds...
So what are you loving today?
Monday, September 19, 2011
High Heels Shoes Feet Make Women More Fast & Beautiful

Leg strength that makes a woman more beautiful, sexy and confident, so it can not be blamed if women are obsessed with shoes of this type.
The use of shoes with high heels-shoes often reap negative opinion because it is not good for the health of the feet and body. However, a recent study reveals another outcome. The research that makes women aged 18-33 years as its object is found that the use of high heels-shoes can make the outer and inner calf muscle becomes more active when walking than women who wore flat-heeled shoes. In addition, women who prefer to wear flat shoes or flat shoes have a larger calf muscles.
"As the door hinge, the ankle must be trained with great power. With wear flat shoes, the muscles will only draw closer to the ankle," Reveal Professor Anna from Harvey Mudd College Ahn, California, as quoted by the Daily Mail.
"To produce a greater force on the ankle, people activate the muscles that are relatively thick for a longer duration," he added.
The use of shoes with high heels-shoes often reap negative opinion because it is not good for the health of the feet and body. However, a recent study reveals another outcome. The research that makes women aged 18-33 years as its object is found that the use of high heels-shoes can make the outer and inner calf muscle becomes more active when walking than women who wore flat-heeled shoes. In addition, women who prefer to wear flat shoes or flat shoes have a larger calf muscles.
"As the door hinge, the ankle must be trained with great power. With wear flat shoes, the muscles will only draw closer to the ankle," Reveal Professor Anna from Harvey Mudd College Ahn, California, as quoted by the Daily Mail.
"To produce a greater force on the ankle, people activate the muscles that are relatively thick for a longer duration," he added.
Tricks Comfort Wear High Heels Shoes
High Heels Shoes? Hmm, sexy. But the type of high heel shoes, usually causing pain in the heel.
Wearing high heels-shoes or high heels easy bother. Unlike flat shoes, high heels-shoes can make walking difficult if a person is not suitable for the shape of the foot.
Therefore, make sure you always buy high heel shoes with good quality and comfort for the sake of your health. Want to know how to choose the right high heel shoes?
1. measure the distance
Each store has gauges and different basic sizes. Therefore, make sure you always measure your feet before buying shoes that fit for you. It's good if the store has officers so that the measure would you buy shoes that actually fit the size of your feet.
2. Try
In selecting shoes, make sure you always try it first because the shoe size will vary depending on the brand of shoes. Always try shoes with a half size larger or smaller. try
while running, and select the most comfortable on your feet. Make sure each side has a slit about a quarter inch. You'll want to choose shoes with leather because these materials can absorb moisture.
3. Wear shoes that fit properly.
4. Place a pad or foam in the heel of your shoe to reduce pressure on the heel.
Wearing high heels-shoes or high heels easy bother. Unlike flat shoes, high heels-shoes can make walking difficult if a person is not suitable for the shape of the foot.
Therefore, make sure you always buy high heel shoes with good quality and comfort for the sake of your health. Want to know how to choose the right high heel shoes?
1. measure the distance
Each store has gauges and different basic sizes. Therefore, make sure you always measure your feet before buying shoes that fit for you. It's good if the store has officers so that the measure would you buy shoes that actually fit the size of your feet.
2. Try
In selecting shoes, make sure you always try it first because the shoe size will vary depending on the brand of shoes. Always try shoes with a half size larger or smaller. try
while running, and select the most comfortable on your feet. Make sure each side has a slit about a quarter inch. You'll want to choose shoes with leather because these materials can absorb moisture.
3. Wear shoes that fit properly.
4. Place a pad or foam in the heel of your shoe to reduce pressure on the heel.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Stiletto high heels shoes
Stiletto high heels shoes are more than 9 cm to the right shape is sleek and thin and the front of the shoes were slim. Stiletto can create the appearance of increased section. In addition, the Stiletto can also display the shape of the foot looks more level and beautiful, so no wonder that many men fascinated by women who like wearing high heels.
Because of the trend, shoes shops in shopping centers also often display a stiletto in the front window. Unlike the other shoes, Stiletto has a very feminine form. With towering high heels up to 15-17 centimeters, Stiletto ready to conjure up every woman in the spotlight. Admittedly, a fantastic high stiletto rights sometimes makes the wearer's legs aching like shit. But, by can still look stunning, Beauty is pain.
No need to style according to grip, even jumbled fashion style can be a style statement in itself. Eclectic, urban, techno, retro and even could be the right choice when I want to use supporting footwear height requirement. Believe do not believe, for shoes, women become addicted. In fact, a recent survey released by Harper's Bazaar said that one in ten women spend no less than 1,000 pounds. Not only that, according to the poll conducted on 1,000 respondents, 82 percent of respondents said that the stiletto shoe model is still an idol. According to them, these high heels make women look more sexy.
Because of the trend, shoes shops in shopping centers also often display a stiletto in the front window. Unlike the other shoes, Stiletto has a very feminine form. With towering high heels up to 15-17 centimeters, Stiletto ready to conjure up every woman in the spotlight. Admittedly, a fantastic high stiletto rights sometimes makes the wearer's legs aching like shit. But, by can still look stunning, Beauty is pain.
No need to style according to grip, even jumbled fashion style can be a style statement in itself. Eclectic, urban, techno, retro and even could be the right choice when I want to use supporting footwear height requirement. Believe do not believe, for shoes, women become addicted. In fact, a recent survey released by Harper's Bazaar said that one in ten women spend no less than 1,000 pounds. Not only that, according to the poll conducted on 1,000 respondents, 82 percent of respondents said that the stiletto shoe model is still an idol. According to them, these high heels make women look more sexy.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Scholastic's Dollar Deals
Hey ya'll...Happy Saturday!
Just stopping by to let ya'll know about Scholastic's AMAZING Dollar Deals...
I just got these fabulous e-books and I can't wait to use them with my Firsties!
I got a total of 10 books for FREE! the code 10THANKS...
hop on over to
and get your e-books now...their dollar deals will end on September 20th...happy book shopping!
Friday, September 16, 2011
Sexy with high heels shoes
Every woman will feel sexy when she appeared wearing a dress and high heels shoes. Because not only makes the body so it look taller, but also make your feet feel more level. There are many models of high heels, but even trendy, does not guarantee the shoes will be comfortable to wear.
In addition to clothing, using high heels shoes with attractive models and colors can support the mood.
"Similar to taking a sedative, various shoes models that attract the attention of the eye also can calm mood," said Martin Lindstrom, a branding for Fortune 100 companies and author of 'Buyology: Truth and Lies About Why We Buy'.
"high heels shoes can literally increase your status because you are higher when you wear it."
Professor of Anthropology at Rutgers University, Helen Fisher PhD states, especially in biology shoes are eligible to show one's social class, especially in the workplace.
"high heels shoes" bring historical significance as well, adding to their appeal. In earlier centuries, only rich people who wear high heels. Most people are shod with no rights, have an average of regular positions in other words just as a regular employee. "Shoes are class size," Fisher said.
According to Daniel Amen, MD, author of The Brain in Love, our minds are structured in a way that can associate with sex leg. "Areas of the brain that communicates with the genitals is right next to the areas related to the foot," said Dr.. Amen.
While the Italian sexologist, Dr. Maria Cerruto, revealed when a woman wearing high heels, the muscles and walls of her vagina to contract, which will continue to be trained and become stronger. If the vaginal wall muscles are tight and will give pleasure for couples engaging in sex.
"There is nothing wrong with wearing high heels, as long as you wear it with smart,"
In addition to clothing, using high heels shoes with attractive models and colors can support the mood.
"Similar to taking a sedative, various shoes models that attract the attention of the eye also can calm mood," said Martin Lindstrom, a branding for Fortune 100 companies and author of 'Buyology: Truth and Lies About Why We Buy'.
"high heels shoes can literally increase your status because you are higher when you wear it."
Professor of Anthropology at Rutgers University, Helen Fisher PhD states, especially in biology shoes are eligible to show one's social class, especially in the workplace.
"high heels shoes" bring historical significance as well, adding to their appeal. In earlier centuries, only rich people who wear high heels. Most people are shod with no rights, have an average of regular positions in other words just as a regular employee. "Shoes are class size," Fisher said.
According to Daniel Amen, MD, author of The Brain in Love, our minds are structured in a way that can associate with sex leg. "Areas of the brain that communicates with the genitals is right next to the areas related to the foot," said Dr.. Amen.
While the Italian sexologist, Dr. Maria Cerruto, revealed when a woman wearing high heels, the muscles and walls of her vagina to contract, which will continue to be trained and become stronger. If the vaginal wall muscles are tight and will give pleasure for couples engaging in sex.
"There is nothing wrong with wearing high heels, as long as you wear it with smart,"
High heels shoes
There are many models of High heels shoes. But the trendy models alone do not guarantee these shoes comfortable to wear. those who want to wear high heels and live in the tropics, it is better to choose shoes that are open at the front or commonly called the Peep Toes.
High heels shoes with open fingers can make the effects of the calves and your thighs look slimmer than shoes with closed fingers. If you ate a big calf avoid shoes with ankle strap in, because it will make your feet and legs look shorter. Wearing High heels shoes do make legs look more sexy and beautiful. High heels shoes are one of the ultimate weapon to effect higher. If you want an extra effect, is look slimmer, choose the right shoe with a slimmer, too.High heels shoes is one of the must have fashion items for women. Sexy, sensual and beautiful impression will shine because of it.
No need is too high, an important form of rights itself. Many models to choose from, ranging from sling back, toe point, closed or open. Of all the model high heels, it will definitely give the impression sexy when you wear it. This shoes is perfect paired with an evening gown or little black dress so you look more girlie.
High heels shoes can lead to posture, such as the illusion of longer legs, the torso is higher, and the buttocks are raised.
High heels shoes with open fingers can make the effects of the calves and your thighs look slimmer than shoes with closed fingers. If you ate a big calf avoid shoes with ankle strap in, because it will make your feet and legs look shorter. Wearing High heels shoes do make legs look more sexy and beautiful. High heels shoes are one of the ultimate weapon to effect higher. If you want an extra effect, is look slimmer, choose the right shoe with a slimmer, too.High heels shoes is one of the must have fashion items for women. Sexy, sensual and beautiful impression will shine because of it.
No need is too high, an important form of rights itself. Many models to choose from, ranging from sling back, toe point, closed or open. Of all the model high heels, it will definitely give the impression sexy when you wear it. This shoes is perfect paired with an evening gown or little black dress so you look more girlie.
High heels shoes can lead to posture, such as the illusion of longer legs, the torso is higher, and the buttocks are raised.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
What I'm Loving Wednesday
Here's what I'm loving on this beautiful Wednesday...
I'm loving my sweet little to get home and relax with my kiddos after a long day at work and the moment we're loving these characters...hilarious!
I'm loving my sweet little to get home and relax with my kiddos after a long day at work and the moment we're loving these characters...hilarious!
I'm loving that the weekend is almost here...I have to catch up on some things at work...and I'm excited to be able to do it this weekend...from the comfort of my own couch.
I'm loving my sweet little class...we're back to 15...thank goodness! I do have all Spanish speaking students...which means I have to create everything from there are absolutely no cute resources in Spanish. Anyone out there in blogland want to collaborate with me on creating some fantastic Spanish resources?! Lol!
I'm loving these great Pinterest finds....
and last but not least...I'm loving the start of football season...
So...what are you loving today?
Go and link up with Jamie for WILW!
Sunday, September 11, 2011
September 11...I Remember.
I remember that day as if it were yesterday.
I remember exactly what I was doing and how I felt when our great nation came under attack.
I was at home, taking care of my little one when I turned on my TV and saw Katie Couric trying to explain the events unfolding in NYC.
I remember being confused, in shock...not fully realizing what had happened.
Then, I saw the 2nd plane hit the South Tower of the WTC.
That image will stay with me forever.
I felt terrified, sad, and heartbroken.
How could this be happening?
Who could possibly do this?
The sadness was overwhelming and for a long time afterwards I was fearful of what would happen next.
On that infamous day...
September 11, 2001
life as we knew it changed forever.
Lives were lost, heroes were born, and our tenacious spirit triumphed.
Our beautiful country united...Americans came together stronger than I had ever seen before.
On this day there was a sense of unity in our broken spirits.
And a feeling of hope in our broken hearts.
There was solidarity, there was strength...and the American spirit prevailed.
One nation, under God, Indivisible.
In memory of those brave men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice so that we can enjoy our freedom.
Thank you.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Top Ten...Wow!
Oh bloggie friends...ya'll are too sweet and you definitely fill my bucket!
I absolutely LOVE blogging...and it's an honor to receive a Top 10 Award.
Thank you, Liz and made my day!!
Please go and visit their fabulous blogs... First Grade Frenzy and Faithful in First...these ladies are super sweet and creative!
As you all probably know...I follow too many blogs...and to tell the truth I couldn't possibly choose only 10 to receive this please if you are a teacher and a blogger...then you are AWESOME...and should be awarded a Top 10 award! Thanks for being so inspiring!!
I absolutely LOVE blogging...and it's an honor to receive a Top 10 Award.
Thank you, Liz and made my day!!
Please go and visit their fabulous blogs... First Grade Frenzy and Faithful in First...these ladies are super sweet and creative!
As you all probably know...I follow too many blogs...and to tell the truth I couldn't possibly choose only 10 to receive this please if you are a teacher and a blogger...then you are AWESOME...and should be awarded a Top 10 award! Thanks for being so inspiring!!
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