It is one of the most fun ways to organize your creative bookmarks. Pinterest is a series of inspiration boards, just waiting to be filled up with inspiring photos. Pinterest has boards that are organized thematically waiting for you to add pins. A pin is basically a picture that links to your inspiration...whether it be a beautiful picture of a home...or maybe something inspiring for your classroom.
My Pinterest Boards will let you know a little about me...you'll find out that I'm a teacher who LOVES a beautiful classroom and creative ideas. You will also find out that I ♥ reading and that I'm in love with pretty things. So much fun...I tell 'ya!
To get started on Pinterest you need to request an invitation. Since the site is still in beta, you can’t simply join...I know...bummer. But don't be too sad you do have a few options. To request an invite you can either visit the front page and simply enter your email and wait. Or, you can find someone you know with a Pinterest account and ask them for an invitation. This is most definitely the fastest method to get a Pinterest account! If you want to join the fun and start pinning right away you can certainly email me for an invite. I'm sure that you'll LOVE Pinterest...so now that you know about this fantastic site...I really gotta go now...I need to go find some more inspiration and start pinning!