Hey ya'll!
I hope everyone is having a FABULOUS Summer...I know that I am...and it'll be even more relaxing once summer school is over in two days! Woohoo!
So in celebration of summer (and the glorious days that lie ahead!) I am hosting a SUNsational Summer Giveaway and let me tell 'ya, you are in for a real treat! Seriously!
So...are you ready?
Ya'll...seven, yes seven, A.MA.ZING bloggers are sponsoring the biggest giveaway I have EVER hosted! Isn't that FANtastic!? I mean who doesn't LOVE giveaways?! Really!
So here it is...a SUNsational Summer Giveaway!
Alicia from First Grade Factory is giving away two terrific products...her Reading Comprehension Posters and her Teacher Talk Cards. They are absolutely AMAZING!![]()
Melissa from Mrs. Freshwater's Class is giving away her B3C (brown bag book club). Awesome!
Melissa from F is for First Grade is giving away her Teaching Vocabulary with Picture Books and her Jump Around Moving with Math! activities. Absolutely amazing resources!
The sweet ladies over at LessonPlanSOS are giving away their awesome Guided Reading Guru file.
Jenaya at The Lesson Plan Diva is giving away her uber cute Yummy Punctuation activity.
Ana from Ingles360 is giving away one of her terrific ebooks...a Teaching Survival Kit...just in time for Back to School.
My bloggy friend Ana from Ingles360 is launching a Spanish curriculum...this is great news for all of the bilingual teachers out there...she just emailed letting me know that she would like to contribute this little goodie to our giveaway. Thanks Ana!
Now that you know what our SUNsational Summer Giveaway consists of here is what you have to do to enter:
1. Follow all of these ladies' FABULOUS blogs. (1 entry)
2. Follow all our TpT stores. (1 entry)
3. Follow all our Facebook pages. (1 entry)
4. Follow us on Twitter. (1 entry)
5. Post all our buttons on your blog. (1 entry)
6. Repost this giveaway on your blog. (1 entry)
7. Download and rate one of my free TpT products. (1 entry)
(Please remember that you MUST be a Teaching in High Heels follower to enter all giveaways.)
~Please leave a separate comment for each entry~
There you go...7 chances to enter this amazing giveaway!
Easy, peasy lemon squeezy, right?!
I have put the links within each person's giveaway...and you can find their buttons on their blogs. This giveaway will end on Sunday, June 26 at midnight, the winner will be announced on Monday, June 27.
Good luck everyone!
Oh...one more thing...don't forget to go by and visit these fabulous ladies...you will absolutely be amazed by their creativity...and generosity.
See ya'll later! Toodles! ♥
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